Coasters of Sandusky
Sketchbook Expressions
by Gabriel Winter
Post / Coasters of Sandusky
It was early fall when I first made my way to Ohio back in 2010. I was much younger then I am now but just as excited for roller coasters. Making my way to Ohio was no easy task as I didn't have much money or resources at the time. Granted I wasn't poor but working at Target and building cars sucked a lot of my youthful money away from me. But somehow I managed to save enough cash to fly across the United States with a good friend of mine named Mike and visit my dream park, Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio.
My excitement and anticipation was high as we drove through the fog and out of Cleveland. Ohio's countryside was beautiful that day as I watched the fog lift past the tall trees through the window of our cheap rental car. We couldn't arrive quick enough. Finally, later in the day we made it to our hotel in Sandusky.
Sandusky is a cool place full of unique and fun restaurants with cool mini golf courses but the star attraction is and always will be Cedar Point. It draws so many people from around the world that Sandusky has made itself into a cute destination of its own. I didn't expect that level of charm when we arrived but it certainly did. It's a great place to wind down after a stay at the park. However, the hotel that Mike and I had reserved was right next to a cemetery and made for an interesting stay to say the least. Spooky stuff. Despite the erriness the hotel's proximity and price made it a choice selection for our stay in Sandusky.
The sun was out and the sky was blue for the first day at Cedar Point. I couldn't believe that I would soon be on all the legendary coasters I read about in those books. Experiencing the history of those roller coasters through riding them! What a awesome thrill to experience!
You see, growing up I would read many books about roller coasters and the science behind them. These books would always reference the biggest and baddest roller coaster the world had to offer. Funny thing is that the biggest and baddest coasters were actually located in one park, Cedar Point. Ok, Cedar Point doesn't have all the best coasters in the world but it definitely has more than any other theme park in the world. You see Cedar Point doesn't just build roller coasters to build roller coasters. They build roller coasters to break records. Make history. To be in the books.
That visit to Cedar Point in 2010 was a wonderful time and a moment that I will never forget. I recently found some old videos that I took of that trip to Cedar Point and figured what a perfect opportunity to make some art celebrating the Coasters of Sandusky and my experience in the park. So thats what Im doing. Follow me as I begin creating new art and products geared around the amazing record breaking roller coasters of Cedar Point. I hope you enjoy the journey and the process behind my art.
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